The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund is an initiative to build the political power of the environmental movement in Ohio through strategic issue and electoral campaigns.

Our Mission

To protect and enhance the environment and the health of all Ohio communities by advancing critical priorities, holding policymakers accountable, and electing environmental champions.

Our History

For more than 50 years, the Ohio Environmental Council has worked to secure healthy air, land, and water for all who call Ohio home. The OEC works for pragmatic solutions to keep Ohio clean and beautiful, and our communities safe. We fight for clean air and water, clean energy, and protected public lands. We hold polluters accountable in court while working with communities and companies that want to invest in a clean, more sustainable direction.

What started as the idea for stronger political accountability with the creation of a 501(c)4 sister organization to the Ohio Environmental Council in 2016, now includes a political action committee —the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund PAC — as well as a federal-hybrid superPAC, Conservation Ohio.

These organizations have grown to become a powerhouse political force that is a key player in Ohio’s environmental and progressive movements. Through a shared services agreement, the OEC, OEC Action Fund, OEC Action Fund PAC, and Conservation Ohio are able to share staff and administrative resources.