energy efficiency

OEC Action Fund Testimony Against HB 114

The world is undergoing a massive transition in how it generates, transports, manages and delivers electricity to homes, neighborhoods, and businesses. Consider that in 2015, global capacity for renewable energy surpassed that of coal for the first time ever in human history. About half a million solar panels were installed every day around the world in 2015. In 2015, China was installing two wind turbines every hour and continued that growth in 2016 to the tune of one turbine installation per hour.

What you need to know about the anti-clean energy bills moving through the Statehouse

What you need to know about the anti-clean energy bills moving through the Statehouse

Ohio Senate Bill 320 & Ohio House bill 554 holds Ohio back, increases electric bills, and puts Ohioans’ health at risk. When Ohio Senate Bill 310 was enacted in June 2014, the idea behind the two-year “freeze” on Ohio’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS), and energy efficiency resource standard (EERS) was to study the standards costs and benefits, and to craft a sound energy policy for the state of Ohio. 

Lawmakers Considering Vote to Increase Electric Bills

A bill being rushed through the Ohio Legislature during the lame duck session could cause residential and small business electric bills to skyrocket. Senate Bill 320 and House Bill 554 will reduce cost effective energy efficiency targets, and allow special rate exemptions for big corporations, resulting in untold rate increases.