
OEC Action Fund and partners ask Governor Dewine to VETO HB 507

OEC Action Fund and partners ask Governor Dewine to VETO HB 507

The legislation decreases oversight into oil and gas extraction, forces ODNR to take actions they may disagree with, and sets a misleading precedent by defining natural gas as “green energy.” All of the final amendments were included with no meaningful public deliberation. For these reasons, we strongly urge you to VETO House Bill 507.

Thanking Governor Kasich for Protecting State Parks and Public Lands

The following statement can be attributed in full, or in part, to Sarah Spence, Director of Government Affairs at the Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund:

“Today, the Governor vetoed a provision in the State Budget Bill that would have fast-tracked oil and gas leasing in state parks and public lands across Ohio. We thank Governor Kasich for standing up in defense of public lands that we all share in ownership. We cherish our state parks and state lands as places to hike, hunt, fish, and enjoy with our families, and the Governor’s veto keeps these lands safe from oil and gas development for the time being.

“The Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund remains steadfast in our efforts to protect public lands across Ohio for use and enjoyment for future generations.”